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Famous Artists That I Supply

artists customized oil paint Goop make paint masterpiece oil paint Paint Mastering Robert Doak Colors

Laura Owens

Whitney Museum 2018

Buys everything from me, including:

Oil Paints, Goop Medium, Special Dry Pigments for future use to make oil paint easily using my formulas


Calvin Marcus

Clearing Gallery in Belgium 

Buys Emulsion canvas, custom liquid water colors, custom oil sticks, oil paints, goop medium, vinyl medum


Richard Phillips

Gagosian Gallery

Custom Oil Paint

Jacqueline Humphries

Greene Naftali Gallery

Oil paints, Goop Medium, Special Dry Pigments & Formulas to make oil paint

Marc Horowitz

Vogt Gallery

Buys everything from me:

Emulsion Canvas, oil paints, liquid water colors, goop, vinyl medium, special dry pigments, B67 Medium

Cynthia Daignault

Flag Art Foundation

Oil Paints, Goop Medium

Cecily Brown

Gagosian Gallery

Oil Paints, Goop Medium


John Currin

Gagosian Gallery

Oil Paints, linen, canvas primer, mediums, dry pigments


Richard Phillips

Gagosia Gallery

Oil Paint


Ron Gorchov

Cheim Read

Oil Paint, Primer, Linen, Canvas


Plus many more mid-range artists on the way up!



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